Flying Penguins
Continuing Professional Development
CPD Conference

McLaren Vale Function Centre
For the busy clinician!
A conference for clinicians wanting to enjoy completing their CPD requirements with a flexible program of activities in a beautiful location over a single weekend.
Workshop content is novel, building on your current abilities and knowledge with expert facilitation that allows each individual to enhance their particular skill set.
Topics are broadly useful and appealing to all, especially part-time clinicians and those in private practice who can find it difficult to complete annual CPD requirements.
only Catagory 2 & 3 workshops
Annual conversation & Professional Development Plan
Cat 1/2/3 cultural safety & health inequity training (new requirement)
Mentorship activites
* with pre-readings, all annual requirements can be completed
Highlights include two "long lunches" with abundant food & wine at two of SA's best restaurants
Conference Location
McLaren Vale Function Centre
Main Rd & Caffrey St, McLaren Vale SA 5171
...just 40min drive from Adelaide
Flying Penguins Medical Conferences
After hearing complaints from colleagues about the new CPD requirements, Flying Penguins was created to provide informative and novel medical education in a fun collegeal environment, allowing clinicians to soar.
The Flying Penguins CPD Conference aims to take the hard (admin) work out of CPD, organising a program that offers broad appeal by covering interesting, important, often neglected topics.
Workshops are held in the morning, with individual activities in the afternoons and long-lunches available to enable a relaxed environment to forge lasting connections with colleagues.